Samajik Kalyan Sanstha is registered under the ‘Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860’. Its ‘Registration No. in Bihar State is 590, 10-12-1993 and it is reciprocally registered in Jharkhand State having ‘Registration No.119’ of the year 2007. The Society has established ‘K.K. Group of Institutions’ since its inception by the Founder Chairman Er. Ravi Chaudhary’.

The philanthropic ‘Society’ is having a core group of qualified engineers with diversified experiences in industries, Govt. project/s implementation, rural development, illiteracy eradication and social upliftment of uneducated women and children. It has established, so far, ten technical institutions in Bihar and Jharkhand in the preceding and present decades. The Society is planning to establish a state of art Medical and Dental college in Nalanda district in near future.
In order to achieve its objective of imparting quality education, the Society established K.K. I. T. I. in 1993 for the promotion of ‘Vocational Training’ and got affiliation from the State Council for Vocational training, Patna (Bihar). It has been a successful institution in creating a platform for the deserving students of the state.
With the mission of the Society in his heart, Er. Ravi Chaudhary spearheading the movement of facilitating higher education to the doors of the mass and especially the under privileged, established KKCEM in 2010. The authority is committed to develop the college as one of the best seat of Engineering, Management & multi-disciplinary Education in Eastern India fulfilling the socio-economic aspiration & developmental needs particularly in Jharkhand and Bihar.
The management has taken special care of all the institutions established by the Society to provide job-oriented Degree, Diploma and B. Ed courses in order to produce competent professionals ready for embracing the challenges of globalization in the 21st century.